Int. Bharat Natyam
(LIC Level)

drag-child Age 10 to 15 Years

calendarJan 11, 2024 - Jun 13, 2024

clock08:00 PM - 09:00 PM EST

  • Thursday

Location: Playwrights Studios
440 Lafayette St
4th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Moksha Arts LLC.


Bharat Natyam for Int. Level Class. 


*Costume Rental and professional video of recital is included. 


*Spring semester will end with a year-end show on Saturday, June 15th. Participation in the show is not manadatory. However, all dancers who choose to participate must attend all recital rehearsals. 


*All dancers participating in the recital will need to attend the mandatory rehearsals on Sunday, June 9th & Saturday, June 15th Stage Rehearsal.  Final hour by hour schedule will be released in early May. 


*All students must purchase a 2024 Black Moksha Arts t-shirt (No need to purchase if you already have one from December 2023 showcase.)


*Students dance barefoot in studio. Upon arrival, students will remove socks and shoes in studio. 


*Students should wear comfortable clothing such as Moksha Arts t-shirt and leggings/sweatpants. No dresses or skirts.


*Hair must be neatly pulled back/tied up.


*Make-up class is not provided for missed classes by student. Make-up is only provided should Moksha Arts cancel a class due to teacher emergency. 


Instructor: Ashlesha Shah



1/11 1
1/18 2
1/25 OFF
2/1 3
2/8 4
2/15 5
2/22 OFF (Winter Break)
2/29 6
3/3 7 - (Sunday, Moksha Day)
3/7 8
3/14 9
3/21 OFF (Spring Break)
3/28 OFF (Spring Break)
4/4 10
4/11 11
4/18 12
4/25 OFF (Spring Break)
5/2 13
5/5 14 - (Sunday, Moksha Day)
5/9 OFF (Makeup, if needed)
5/16 15
5/23 16
5/30 17
6/6 18
6/9 19 - (Sunday, Moksha Mandatory Recital Rehearsal)
6/13 20
6/15 21 - Rehearsal + Show


Inclement Weather: Class will be moved to Zoom. 

Additional Information:

- Please bring water bottle to class. 


Completion of Alarippu + Pushpanjali

  More Classes Available


  • Disability-Access Disability Access
  • other-facility Lobby waiting area